Newly Developed RpoB(RNA polymerase subunit beta ) Monoclonal Antibody

In chloroplasts, transcription of plastid genes is mediated by two types of RNA polymerase: plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) and nuclear encoded RNA polymerase (NEP). PEP is composed of four core subunits (α, β,β',β'') and a promoter recognition subunit (σ factor). RpoB (ATCG00190) is the β subunit of PEP.
PhytoAB has developed the RpoB monoclonal antibody PHY1700 and PHY1701 for application of plant research. And PhytoAB has also developed polyclonal antibodies of RpoA(PHY1242S), RpoB(PHY1239S), RpoC1(PHY1243S), RpoC2(PHY1244S). If you have more question, please contact
Westren Blot: PHY1700 are RpoB Protein A purified monoclonal antibodies, the antigen is recombinant protein of RpoB. Lane1 1ug recombinant protein of RpoB;Line2, 3 is stromal protein 3ug, 6ug respectively; Lane4, 5 is 0.5ug, 1ug thylakoid membrane protein by 10% Non-urea PAGE.